(This is a now page. If you have your own site like mine, Amerpie, you should make one too.)

What I'm Reading

The Men Who Killed Google Search by Ed Zitron - most folks know that it's getting harder and harder to find stuff on Google. Search engine optimization services have made a scientific study on how to get you to their page so they can sell you stuff despite with not much attention to what you are actually looking for. It did't have to be like this. Someone made a conscious decision at Google to prioritize selling ads over providing a service. This story tells who and why.

What I'm Watching


Also watching

What I'm Making

I wrote lots of blog posts this week:

On life and stuff


What I'm Enjoying

Brown t-shirt with a multi-colored Apple command key logo

My new Apple Command Key T-shirt from Basic Apple Guy

What I'm Browsing

Current Status

Last updated 2024-04-27.

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